Friday, July 21, 2006

Disturbing and Disgusting

well the reprise for soldier kidnappings has been all out war. As lebanon gets bombed back to the 70's and Hizbullah rockets up to political domination in Lebanon , i do not understand what the west is up to? if the situation is to be understood in geo-political terms then so far Israel is suffering and so far Iran and Syria have pretty much come out on top. Lebanon is suffering most. actually Lets not even talk about lebanon because the presidents's recation to a question in the press conference sums it up. he cried.

Israel has really hurt stability in the mid-east and cast serious doubts over the already bullshit peace process. Israel had better prepare to deal with a hizbullah government in power in the future because after the dust settles , if it does settle without dragging the rest of us in, then the winners will be Hizbullah. they will have a entire country with no infrastructure and hence they will be the sole service providers. this is exactly how the israeli's assited the Hamas many months ago when they bombed the PLA structure in west bank and gaza. what the hell do the zionists want? to live in perpetual terror and conflict? is this their idea of a promised land?

The US is fantastic though. they take the cake. unashamedly suportive of israel, the US, GB and Germany have really taken the cake this time around. Hizbullah isn't just any terrorist organisation that they want to deal with. this is their confrontatoin , mind you, THE confrontation they were seeking for with Iran and Syria. They even accused Iranian officials of being present at the north korean missile launches. ridiculous moves like that only show cowboy Jack's trigger happiness. and the tacit support that arab-sunni countries are providing to them is another dimension. afraid of Iran's rising regional power status and path to nuclear armament they are silent. the arab league is toothlessly silent as Israel unleashes against its neighbors like a rabid dog.

This conflict is going absolutely nowhere. there will be no winners. its a sick geo-political game that western 'alllies' are playing through their satrapy in the middle east-zionist israel- and they will achieve everything but victory. If the conflict does not spill into Syria, then the victors will be Hizbullah.

And none of these so called global powers have said a meaningful word about the hundreds of dead civilians in lebanon and palestinian territories


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