Monday, December 11, 2006

Things Don't Fall Apart All The Time

For the 2 or 3 of you who actually come around to this blog you may be aware of the riotous adventures of Mr.C. You may remember that Mr.C suffered from a couple of disaster's in his recent sex life. Anyhow, his sex life has taken a turn for the better so i thought i would add that anecdote here just to make sure that anyone who may think of our west african warrior as a disappointment, will stand corrected.

Mr.C went over to some bar in the recently reconstructed wannabe-posh part of town (berlin) late last week. he was accompanied by a few trusted colleagues and they were catching a soccer game on tv and drinking away when he realized that he needed his jacket to check for loose change. he couldn't find his fine black leather jacket so he went a little ballistic in the pub. mysteriously the jacket reappeared on the coat rack of the pub after a 10 minute interval.

a couple days later when Mr. C's hand finally ventured to that part of the jacket where he usually doesn't venture he discovered....guess what?....(drum roll)

a love note

he got called a 'good looking black guy' who seemed like he had a 'lot to offer' and the works. anyhow, the delight could not escape Mr.C's noble west african features and alas his dream of operationalising a relationship with a member of the opposite almost stood fulfilled. this was a most welcome change in the winds. after failing in love, he was looking for something like this and now destiny/fate has been delightfully kind.

so Mr.C , rock on, be safe and have a blast.


Anonymous Anonymous said... c?

7:50 PM


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